Friday, February 22, 2019


Muslim says NO
Muslim says YES
Who to believe


I GET ON A DAILY BASIS a newsletter from United with Israel.

On the same day I read that

‘Islam Forbids Alliances with Jews and Christians,’ Claims New York Imam


Palestinian-Israeli Initiative Promotes Joint Economic Opportunities in Judea, Samaria

So which is it?


Given that the PLO’s Abu Mazen won’t TALK to Israelis — except of course when his close kin need medical attention in Israel.

That there IS cooperation between the PLO and Israel is plain for all to see.

Abu Mazen is upset right now with Israel for withholding tax dollars Israel collected for the PLO’s “Slay for Pay” program.

Once the Israeli election is history, the PLO probably will get the money. (I have no faith in Israeli politicians.)

From the relative safety of New York, during a recent sermon, Imam Abul Baraa Muhammad Abdullah Amreeki warned that collaborating with Jews and Christians is strictly forbidden.

He claimed that there is rampant spying in American mosques, perpetrated by Muslims who covertly monitor other Muslims for shadowy government agents dangling incentives such as immigration status or financial and legal assistance.

Amreeki served time in the Rikers Island prison, where he converted to Islam.

I don’t doubt there is “rampant spying in American mosques” by Muslims that have a loyalty to the country that allows them to worship as they wish.


THERE ARE MANY cases of cooperation

SodaStream used be a case in point until the BDSers drove it away from the PLO workers.

Rami Levy is a supermarket chain that hires Jews and Arabs and pays equal pay for equal work.

PLO residents make up a huge part of the construction industry in Israel.

Some Muslims agree that sans business agreements with Israeli Jews, their business would not survive.

The question becomes: Do the imams in New York and the politicians in Ramallah have the power to keep the people in poverty with unrealistic hope that Israel will just “go away” (meanwhile depositing huge sums of foreign aid in foreign banks, a la the inventor of the PLO, Yassar Arafat)


Will the people under PLO rule eventually decide that for their own sake and their children’s sake, doing business with Israeli Christians, Jews, and Muslims provide a better life?

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

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