Thursday, August 1, 2013

A black hat or smatah
does not a haredi make

Extremist ruin others' good name

According to Israel HaYom's online edition for August 1, "Several haredim were caught throwing stones at an Egged bus in Beit Shemesh on Wednesday after a religious couple was detained for trying to force a woman to sit at the back of the bus.

"Three buses reported coming under attack by stone throwers, and one bus reported serious window damage. Firas Shehadeh, a driver on Egged's 417 line said one hooligan attacked his bus with a hammer, breaking windows."

I know a number of "black hats" - a toss up between right-wing modern orthodox and those who are "old line" Ashkenazi orthodox. I also know a few people who dress in the haredi style but are only borderline orthodox. None of the people I know would physically attack anyone or anything or even promote such behavior by others.

Yet, when I see a man or woman with a haredi appearance I wonder if I am looking at someone who is civilized or someone who is closer to an Islamist fanatic than a Torah-abiding Jew. There is, in my opinion, little difference between Iran's ayatollahs and the extreme haredi rabbis.

The actions of the few disgrace many who, even if they agree with the extremists' beliefs, never would stoop to forcing those beliefs on others.

The actions of the few disgrace Israel. I would, at this point, never walk in a haredi neighborhood with my knitted kippot. I would be afraid of being stoned.

Going into a haredi neighborhood - at lest in Israel, I don't know about life in Brooklyn or Deal - is akin to going into an Arab neighborhood; I wouldn't enter with my knitted kippa.

Mind, as a newspaper reporter I covered disturbances in New Jersey without fear of attack. I am not a cowardly person; indeed, I have been accused of foolishly taking chances on occasion.

Israeli law prevents anyone from telling anyone else where to sit on public transportation. Egged has catered to the haredim by running special haredi busses where the haredi preferences rule. Despite this, a few extremist haredim attack Egged vehicles. I wonder if Egged can cancel runs through haredi neighborhoods.

It's not enough that Israel has Arab Members of Knesset (MKs) who, from the Knesset podium claim that that "we were here before you and we will be here after you," it has to tolerate Jewish extremists as well.

If the U.S. and the EU create a second Palestinian state, my recommendation is that this new country include areas of Israel where extremists reside. If Abu Mazzin convinces Obungler and Kerry to give him part of Jerusalem - he wants it all - let it be Mea Shirim.

These haredi extremists in Israel may be Jews - albeit not Torah-observant - but they are not Israelis. They behave as it they are a law unto themselves, religious bigots as vigilantes.

They are a disgrace to Judaism and to Israel.

Let them move to an Arab state - there are many from which to choose - and live comfortably with like-minded people - "If you are not like me, you are worth only my contempt" seems to be their attitude.

Maybe it's not so bad to have that attitude in their own neighborhood, but it cannot be allowed to exit those neighborhoods. In return, I will stay away and encourage others to do likewise.

Comments in Hebrew or English to yohanon.glenn at