Thursday, April 25, 2013

No fines or jail for draft dodgers

Stop stipends, services


What’s the fuss about haredim and the draft or national service?

If the so-called “ultra-orthodox” refuse to serve in the military OR perform national service, that’s fine.

But don’t support any haredi institution or haredi men who reject taking part in the reality of Israel.

The education ministry has the right idea.

If haredi schools refuse to teach basic subjects, they lose state financial support. The haredi youngsters already are losers due to a lack of preparation for the real world, that is, the world outside the yeshiva where people work for their bread.

Granted, the state can afford to subsidize a few full-time talmedai hakham, but not the thousands currently draining the state’s limited resources (not all are on the dole, but many are; even those NOT receiving stipends use state resources without recompense to the state).

Don’t put the shirkers in jail. The state will still have to feed and clothe them and support their families.

Don’t fine the shirkers. They have no money. (What they have is through the generosity of others, primarily from outside Israel.)

Cut off stipends and cut off services to areas where the majority of residents refuse to participate in the reality of Israel. (Those areas of Mea Sharim that refuse to recognize the state should be offered to Jordan or as part of a “palestinian” state.)

Make it simple for the haredim: Participate or forego state resources.

Don’t participate in Israeli life? Fine. Forego police and fire protection, give up access to publically-funded hospitals. If a water main breaks, tough. If the streets need repair, fix them yourself. Lose all state aid for schools. No more subsidies for the children. No welfare.

The choice should be simple: Integrate or separate.