Monday, April 15, 2013

I’m curious


Imams vs. rabbis

What is the difference between an extremist imam and an extremist rabbi?

People such as the #1 ayatollah in Iran and the #1 and #2 haredi rabbis in Israel.

Islamists want sharia law.

Haredim want talmudic law (on which, by the way, much of sharia law is based).

Islamists want to force women – not men, just women – to dress “modestly.”

Haredim want to force women – not men, just women – to dress “modestly.”

Islamists want to control the government and to protect their positions.

Haredim want to control the government and to protect their positions.

Islamists insist that no Muslim sell land to a Jew.

Haredim insist that no Jew sell land to a Muslim.

So what’s the difference?

None. Nada. Effis. Klum. Shum davar.

Those Jews who rail against the Islamists also should rail against the haredim of Mea Sharim, Bnei Brak, Deal, and Boro Park.

I am not suggesting that non-haredi Jews invade haredi neighborhoods dressed in provocative apparel or that they should drive through playing Madonna or some other female vocalist at high volume just to offend the denizens of those neighborhoods.

What I am stating is that we – Jews – have our own extremists. Unfortunately, we have them at BOTH ends of the spectrum – the haredim and the far left anti-everything-Jewish accident-of-birth Jews. I suspect there probably are Muslims who feel the same way about their extremists as I do about ours.

Too bad we can’t send all the extremists of all varieties to a small island.

Alcatraz might be available. Or Devil’s Island off French Guiana.