Monday, April 16, 2012

Upside down, inside out world


As I read the news - from Israel and from around the globe I am left wondering:

What's going on?

An Israeli security guard fires his weapon into the air to frighten off a Moslem fire bomber who already had thrown seven fire bomb and the Israeli police take the security guard in for discharging his weapon - and possibly saving lives.

Settlers are allowed by build on Israeli - Jewish Israeli - land and then the man charged with the nation's defense (!) orders the homes bulldozed. Never mind a compromise had been reached with the government - but the minister apparently ignored this.

The Israeli prime minister kept quiet, sanctioning the abuse.

North Korea, a sovereign nation, fires a rocket that - fortunately for all concerned fizzled out - and the US condemns the country's leadership. Yes, North Korea probably has "The Bomb" and it is probably trying to develop a delivery system (shades of Iran), but shaking a finger at a country's leadership seems juvenile to me - and juveniles usually react to this by calling the other's bluff.

The U.S. president tells American Jews how much he's done for Israel and many, especially his Hollywood pals and other far-left liberals, bow to him as he bowed to a Saudi prince, not caring that it wasn't what he did FOR Israel but what he did TO Israel.

Israel defends itself and Obama criticizes Israel. Give more to the intransient Abbas, he tells Israel, ignoring the fact that Abbas & Company have brought nothing to the table since breaking the so-called Oslo agreement.

Has the world gone totally crazy?

The occupant of the White House has zero foreign experience - actually, the former governor of Alaska did have more experience; at least she could see Russia's distant shore. Yet, in his total ignorance of international realities he's running around like a Keystone Kop trying to make the world do his bidding.

America doesn't need a good 5-cent cigar; America needs honest politicians with America's best interests at heart - in the House, in the Senate, and most especially in the White House. Today we are "a house divided" by political extremism.

We need an honest president - who was the last honest president? Harry S? - who knows, like LBJ, "where the bodies are buried" to kick both houses in the posterior until they work together. If the president happens, like Reagan, to win with a mandate - Reagan had 525 Electoral votes and a popular vote of 54,455,075 compared to Mondale's 37,577,185 - a nearly 60% plurality, so much the better.

Obama is neither a Truman nor a Lyndon Johnson - he may be closer to Andrew Johnson who was impeached by the House. Likewise, he is no consensus builder like Reagan.

The whole "free world" seems to have gone crazy.

Friends are punished, enemies are courted.

People who try to protect us find themselves in trouble for doing their job while the provocateurs freely roam about, seeking new ways to abuse their freedoms.

It seems as if the inmates are running the asylum.

I won't ask "Where will it end?" because, frankly, the possibilities are frightening.

Scotty, beam me up.