Sunday, April 29, 2012

A ruling to excuse murder?


In R. Ya'aqob Menashe's daily email for Sunday, April 29, 2012 (, we are told that "Maran Yosef Qaro, z"l, states in the Shulhan 'Arukh that if one is drunk (and therefore unable to pray the "Amidah), and as a result misses the time for prayer, he is considered to be Anoos (that these were circumstances out of his control). He can, therefore, pray a make up prayer (Tashlumin) for the 'Amidah prayer that he missed." (Emphasis mine.)

By that logic, a person who gets drunk and drives a car into a group of people, killing and maiming them, should be given a pass; no penalty for what I would term premeditated murder. After all, the driver knew the probability of killing someone by driving under the influence before the first intoxicant was consumed..

Getting intoxicated normally is a voluntary thing to do.

Rarely is any one forced to drink intoxicating liquids or consume mind-altering drugs.

Most prescription and Over-The-Counter (OTC) drugs that might have an effect on a person's cognitive abilities are clearly marked with warnings not to drive or engage in any dangerous activity.

So how does Maran find a way to not only excuse a drunk's inability to say his prayers at a specified time but to provide the person with an excuse that these were circumstances out of his control?

At one point in my life I was a newspaper reporter.

I have seen, first hand, the effect a drunk driver has on the life not only of his (or her) immediate victim, but on the lives of the victim's family and community as well.

I see, all too often, judges who let impaired drivers off and I have seen drivers whose licenses are revoked leave a courtroom, get into a car, and drive away as if the court was a figment of my imagination.

Because I follow Moroccan traditions, I know there are times when Maran's decisions are set aside for another hakham's ruling. While I am not a rabbi - and certainly not a hakham - nor do I play one on tv, I think this is one time when Maran's ruling needs to be reconsidered.