Tuesday, March 16, 2021


If Trump wins
I’m leaving the U.S.;
Promises are cheap

BEFORE THE 2020 ballot count was finished, I said if Trump wins, I’m leaving the country.

I also said if Biden — actually Harris Emhoff — wins , I am leaving the country.

Thanks to the Chinese virus, I just now am leaving the country.


UNLIKE THE “ENTERTAINMENT” biggies, I don’t lie and make promises I know I won’t keep.

There is no place like America. Period.

Seeing the Red, White, and Blue after years elsewhere brought tears to my eyes.

I stand for the impossible-to-sing National Anthem and I place hand over heart — even though I know the heart is elsewhere in my body — as it is played or vocally abused.

I voluntarily served my country, not like many of America’s Commanders In Chief who wouldn't know a rifle from a howitzer.

I’m not bragging or looking for an “at’a boy.” That is simply the way things were.

I don’t spit at cops — my first born is a cop.

I didn’t shoot at the driver that cut me off, even though I was sorely tempted, and I am legally armed.

I don’t rampage through my town or any other because I don’t like this or that, regardless of political party.

Finally, I will sadly admit that the country where I am bound on March 21 is rapidly becoming as bad as the U.S. — mostly because of other ex-pat Americans. Life will be “less easy” where my plane is heading, but I said if <candidate> wins, “I’m out’a here.”


According to The Hollywood Reporter (https://tinyurl.com/y9w2x5zu) the following “entertainers” said they would leave America if Donald Trump was elected president:

Amber Rose, Amy Schumer, Barbra Streisand , Bryan Cranston, Chelsea Handler, Cher, Chloe Sevigny, Eddie Griffin, George Lopez, Jon Stewart, Keegan-Michael Key, Lena Dunham, Lena Dunham, Miley Cyrus, Ne-Yo, Neve Campbell, Omari Hardwick, Raven Symone, Samuel L. Jackson, Snoop Dogg, Whoopi Goldberg.

I happily admit I fail recognize many of the names.

I DO know that they, and those who act as they do, are in large measure responsible for the lack of civil discourse in America.

They are “part of the problem.”

I AM curious to know: Where are these people today, March 16, 2021.

Did ANY leave as they promised?

I’m fairly certain a number of countries would welcome the money they could collect in taxes.

These “entertainers” could burn their U.S. passports; they can get work visas to come to the States for outrageous amounts of horrible U.S. dollars.

Call it cruel, but I have two words for these America bashers:


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Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

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