Sunday, August 23, 2020


Do “boycotts”
Do any good?


If I am against Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) when it comes to Israel, can I honestly be for a boycott of Chinese products?

Is there a difference?


WHY WOULD I BOYCOTT Chinese products?

Because, time and time again, Chinese products have proven to be

  * Shoddily made

  * Unhealthy

  * Unsafe

I’m not so concerned about shoddy workmanship, but there too many risks that the product may be unsafe.

  * Drywall as an example.

  * Tires as an example.

  * Toys with lead paint as an example.

  * Clothing that lacks fire-retardant.

Anyone who is concerned about health needs to know:

  * How farmed fish are fed (human feces).

  * How Chinese mushrooms are fertilized (human feces).

  * How the Chinese adulterate food products.

  * How Chinese pharmaceuticals are below minimal FDA standards.

Anyone who is concerned about racism and segregation based on religion should boycott China. The Chinese government has reportedly detained more than a million Muslims in re-education camps. 1

If a person claims to be a “progressive,” that person should avoid Chinese products due to the sweatshop environments in which laborers work. (Also think about the lack of responsibility U.S. companies such as Apple show for the people who make their products.) After the Tiananmen Square massacre in April 1989, Americans began to look more closely at all things Chinese.

Between President Trump’s efforts to bring manufacturing back to the U.S. and the Chinese (Corona) virus (Covid-19) messing up the supply chain, many companies are taking some or all of their production out of China to “points elsewhere.”2

Stealing secrets

Like the Japanese shortly after WW 2, the Chinese government steals whatever it desires from wherever if desires. The U.S. is just one source. Russia also has been victimized.

Not only do the Chinese steal industrial secrets, they also steal national secrets.

It is a matter of record.

BDS against Israel

First and foremost, most of the people promoting BDS against Israel have never BEEN to Israel; their information is third or fourth hand from leftists who want to believe that, DESPITE FACTS TO THE CONTRARY,


  * Is an apartheid country

  * Oppresses minorities

  * Keeps “Palestinians” behind a fence

  * Prevents “Palestinians” from working in Israel

  * Is racist and discriminates against Christians, Muslims, people of color

Never mind that

  * There are Muslims in Knesset, on courts, including the highest court

  * There are Muslims in the army and the national police

  * There are Muslims teaching in schools from kindergarten to university

  * There are Muslims practicing medicine in all government hospitals

  * That hundreds of “Palestinians” come to work in Israel every day

  * That an Israeli Muslim may live anywhere in Israel

  * That an LGBTQ? safely parade down the streets of major cities

  * Honor killings, and misogyny, in general is illegal in Israel

Conversely, a Jew cannot live in “Palestine” nor can a “Palestinian” sell land to a Jew on pain of death; a person who is LGBTQ? must fear for this life in areas controlled by the PLO/PFLP and Hamas/Islamic Jihad. Women also must fear for their lives if a male relative even suspects they brought dishonor to their family.

BDS hurts “Palestinians.”

Companies, such as Soda Stream that had facilities close to the Israel-PLO/PFLP border, hired “Palestinians” to work alongside Israelis; equal pay for equal work. The “Palestinians” had a higher salary than they would have working under the PLO/PFLP.

Thanks to the “progressives’” BDS, Soda Stream shut down the plant, leaving the “Palestinians” unemployed. (The Israelis could, if they wished, relocate with Soda Stream to the south of the country where the company employs both Israelis and Bedouin in its plants.)

Soda Stream is not the only company that employs “Palestinians.”

True, there IS discrimination in Israel.

The Euro Jews look down on anyone who is not one of them, but over time, non-Euro Jews have made their mark. That Israel has Iron Dome is a credit to a Moroccan. Another Moroccan was deputy prime minister.

There is discrimination against “Euro-Orthodox” soldiers when they return to their old neighborhoods.

Israel is not a perfect country.

Its politics are, by U.S. standards, a kluge, a beligan, a mess.

I have no problem boycotting Chinese products. I have no problem with Chinese PEOPLE, just as I have no problem with Muslims who prefer peace and cooperation to hatred and obstinacy such as consistently shown by the PLO/PFLP, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad regarding Israel.

Boycotting Israel, especially when it hurts the people the boycotters claim they want to help, is stupid. Boycotts don’t stop people from buying products made in Israel, despite UN and EU resolutions.

Yes, I have been to Israel. In fact, I lived there, so I know of what I write.


1. Chinese Muslims:

2. Exiting China:

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