Sunday, April 7, 2019


Jews must defend
Themselves, don’t
Depend on others

Anti-Semitism again hits Argentina. A man broke into a synagogue during Shabbat evening services on Friday night and threatened worshipers in in Buenos Aires.

During the attack, the assailant threatened the worshipers with a sharp object and threw stones at the congregants and a security guard. He also threw oil on the floor, causing several worshipers fell on the synagogue's entrance floor. One of the guards prevented further violence by pepper spraying the attacker. (See )

QUESTION: Were all the worshipers elderly or handicapped that they couldn’t overwhelm a single attacker?

Granted, there was a “security guard” — was he also elderly or handicapped? — he obviously was unable to act quickly enough to protect his charges.


Until they do, they will continue to suffer attacks — some resulting in injury or death.

Congregations need to

*   Carefully examine the areas in which people congregate
  *  The minyan area
  *  The kitchen
  *  Offices
to determine what “weapons” are available,weapons such as
  *  Chairs
  *  Standers
  *  Books
  *  Ornaments
  *  Fire extinguishers

that can be thrown at attackers, if only to distract the attackers.

*   Make certain all doors have “one-way” locks — locks such as push bars that allow people inside to escape, but are locked to people on the outside; fire safety must not be overlooked.

*   Have an alarm system that alerts personnel both inside the building and outside that there is an intruder

*   Have the local police number on speed dial

*   Encourage the younger members to learn self-defense measures.

Jews must stop being easy prey for anti-Semites and Israel haters.


Jews have been warriors since at least Abraham’s day (when he took troops to rescue his cousin Lot).

Every Jew knows, or should know, about the Maccabees. Likewise all (should) know the history of the struggles for modern Israel — Lehi, Irgun, Palmach, Jabotinsky.

While I am not proposing that every able-bodied Jew (man and woman) learn krav maga1 (this can be a painful learning experience) or that the elderly and handicapped carry concealed weapons (although I am not against this if the person carrying the weapon is trained to use it safely), nor am I suggesting that congregations dismiss professional security personnel (although I DO recommend that they thoroughly check each individual guard’s qualifications, I AM suggesting that we CAN do much to protect ourselves..

Some of the recommendations above, such as knowing the location of all exits and knowing the locations of all fire extinguishers are just good GENERAL advice. ! I once created a business continuity plan for Zim. When I asked personnel if they knew the location of the nearest two exits, most didn’t know. When I asked where was the nearest fire extinguisher, even a person sitting next to one could not tell me where there was a fire extinguisher ! The people were all Americans (although the Israelis were no better). These responses are typical.

Besides fighting fires (if the extinguisher user is trained), they also are handy weapons, both for spraying the chemicals in an attacker’s face and for throwing at an attacker. Aerosol cans containing any type material also may be used in the same way.


The “bottom line” for Jews is to be prepared to defend ourselves, regardless of location or time of day.

That requires knowledge of the environment (building), awareness of what is available for defense, and training to use whatever is at hand.

MOST anti-Semites, when outnumbered, are cowards. When we fight back, they will run. That’s good — we are safe — and bad — they are able to try again later; to look for less prepared victims.

Do not expect anyone other than yourself to defend you. There is too much Kitty Genovese mentality2. That, coupled with the European Jews’ “head in the sand” mentality, means “don’t expect help from from anyone.”

You need not be a Charles Atlas3, Charles Bronson4, or Clint Eastwood, but you CAN be more than a victim IF you and your fellow Jews defend yourselves.

Hoping the crazies — for that is what anti-Semites are, crazy — will go away won’t make it happen.


1. Krav Maga is known for its focus on real-world situations and its extreme efficiency. It was derived from the street-fighting experience of Hungarian-Israeli martial artist Imi Lichtenfeld, who made use of his training as a boxer and wrestler while defending the Jewish quarter against fascist groups in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, during the mid-to-late 1930's . (See

2. The incident prompted inquiries into what became known as the bystander effect or "Genovese syndrome", and the murder became a staple of American psychology textbooks for the next four decades. (See )



PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

עינים להם ולא יראו * אזנים להם ולא יאזנו

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