Tuesday, January 22, 2019


Into the wind

SPITTING INTO THE WIND IS NOT an elegant expression but it conveys the message:

    Doing it is stupid.

WHAT ALAN DERSHOWITZ is doing, crying Shame on Women’s March for tolerating anti-Semitism (https://tinyurl.com/y9xmjog7) is a waste of time.

The leadership of the Women’s March, WM, is solidly anti-Semitic and, by all accounts, firmly in the camp of America’s Chief Anti-Semite, Louis Farrakhan the elder, nee’ Louis X. Farrakhan out anti-Semites Barack Obama, albeit far less two-faced.


Collection of (in)famous anti-Semites from


The same holds true for tsk-tsking and shaking of fingers are other anti-Semites — indeed others who allow prejudice to control them. In truth there is not much anyone can do to disabuse bigots of their misguided ways.

As long as the bigots rant and refrain from violence against their targets, let them rant.

ON THE OTHER HAND if the time comes when the rants are “enhanced” by violence, the only answer to violence is violence.

I understand we are supposed to live in nations of laws, but I also understand that we cannot depend on the laws to protect us. NOT because, in most cases, the countries don’t WANT to protect all citizens, but because there simply are not enough professional protectors to be everywhere at all times. The old expression “There’s never a cop when you need one,” is, unfortunately, all too often the case. (Caveat: My Pidyon is a policeman.)

In the U.S. (as compared to most other countries in which we are a minority) we have the right to “keep and bear arms” despite leftists’ attempts to eliminate that right.

In the U.S. we have the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) that, like Mr. Dershowitz, does a great deal of pontificating; producing hot air and an extra 15 seconds of tv “face time” or a few column inches on someone's blog. What we NEED is more JDL and less ADL.


JDL is the Jewish Defense League (http://www.jdl.org/).

JDL has a comparatively small Jewish following. Leftist who make up the core of Reform and similar sects consider the JDL anathema; indeed, preferring the anti-Semitic groups to one that defends Judaism. Conservatives are a “mixed bag,” but it seems — based on voting records — that many are leftists. The haridim from Europe continue to prefer burying their collective head in the sand to avoid making wakes. (Yes, I know I’m mixing metaphors.) Only the so-called “modern” Orthodox and most Sefardim and Mizrachim stand with the JDL.

Most Reform, et al, and Conservatives have never been persecuted in most places. They look like everyone else. Jews who obviously ARE Jews, and Jews from Moslem-dominated countries have experience with persecution simply for being Jewish. For them, enough is enough.

I am NOT proposing that Jews physically attack those who only promote hate, but I am proposing that Jews be prepared to defend themselves from physical attacks.

In order to do that legally we need to

    ✡ Know the laws of self-defense
    ✡ Know HOW to defend ourselves
    ✡ Be willing to defend ourselves
    ✡ Join, or at least support, organizations such as the JDL.

It would be great if, when threatened, we could call the cops and they would be at our side within seconds, but the reality is that is not going to happen.

Words from the mouths Jews on a soapbox are just words. The speaker may hold some impressive credentials, but no credentials will impress an anti-Semite.

It’s time to make a decision.

Cower to the anti-Semites or push back.

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

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