Thursday, November 22, 2018


Jews bury heads
Today; Will they
Bury bodies next?

LEFTIST AMERICANS WHO happen to be Jewish are sufficiently enchanted with avowed anti-Semites to elect them to the nation’s congress.

Never mind that these people, including two Muslim women who openly express hate for Israel, represent districts in Minnesota and Michigan.

Minnesota, Hubert H. Humphrey’s home state, has long been a bastion of liberalism, but not antisemitism.

LEFT: Rashida Tlaib RIGHT: Ilhan Omar

JEWS HAVE HAD A LONG ROMANCE with the Democrat party and they have ignored what the party’s leadership has done to them.

For years, and for some, even until today, Franklin Delano Roosevelt is something of a minor god. Never mind that he condemned a boatload of Jews escaping Germany to return their deaths in nazi gas chambers.

LEFT: Refugees on board the St. Louis trying to escape nazi murderers. RIGHT: FDR concerned a nazi spy might be among the Jews fleeing for their lives.

The Jews in the Democrat party ignored Barack Hussein Obama’s flirting with notorious anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan. Nor were they bothered by Obama’s loyalty to the anti-American preacher, the “Rev.” Jeremiah Wright who called on his god to damn America.

LEFT: Obama and anti-Semite Farrakhan RIGHT: Obama and America-hater Wright

These same Jews closed their eyes when Obama, in his last day in office, gave millions of dollars to Abu Mazen — despite congress opposing the “gift.” (But then again, Obama frequently had his way with congress despite congress’ wishes.)

These are the Jews who think the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is a protector of Jews. The ADL is like a toothless old woman confined to a rocking chair.

What Jews need in America to counter the leftist is the Jewish Defense League, JDL.

Jews in America need to wake up and realize that antisemitism is not only “alive and well” but spreading like a California wild fire.

Burying our heads in the sand will not stop the spread of this disease in either the Democrat left or the skinhead “alt-right.”

I will stop short of urging Jews to take ball bats in hand or to arm themselves (as the JDL recommends), but Jews of all political points of view need to decide if they are Jews first or extremists first. “Accident of birth” Jews — those Jews who have little or no connection and knowledge of Judaism — already have decided that their fellow Jews, Israel, and Judaism will play no role in their lives. Worse, to distance themselves from Jews and Judaism, they often become strident antisemites.

This denial of their Jewishness is nothing new; for centuries, Jews who valued integration over peoplehood have gone to extremes to hide the truth, even going so far as trying to reverse a circumcision. (Never mind that Muslims and many non-Jews circumcise their sons.)

I’m not sure what can be done with Jew-hating Jews, but they must be politically neutralized. Jews need to run for office and Jews need to support moderate Jews-who-are-Jewish candidates.

Burying our collective head in the sand is NOT going to protect us.

Kowtowing to the antisemites — be they Jews or not &mdAsh; is NOT going to protect us.

Behaving like the Jews of Europe as Hitler pushed for power — “no one will left him take over the government” — will NOT protect us.

Leftist Jews need to make sure their candidates are not antisemites.

Conservative Jews need to put forward candidates who are our friends.

When antisemites are elected to congress it must be a wake-up call for Jews in America.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out . . . (

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

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