Thursday, September 13, 2018


Israel blamed
For PA jobless
By UN agency

UN blames Israel for not giving potential terrorists more jobs

YET ANOTHER “FOR PALESTINE-ONLY” UN organization, the U.N. Conference on Trade And Development Coordinator of ‎Assistance to the Palestinians blames Israel for the fact that the PA’s 27.4% unemployment rate is the highest in the world.

Palestinian citizens are trapped in an economy of jobless growth with no prospects, especially in Gaza, which is undergoing "de-development," the United Nations trade and development agency said in an annual report published on Wednesday. 1

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development report said unemployment in the Palestinian territories was the highest in the world in 2017, at 27.4%, while agricultural production fell by 11%. Half of Palestinians under 30 were unemployed. The economy grew 3.1% but was flat on a per capita basis.

Speaking to journalists in Geneva, Mahmoud Elkhafif, coordinator of the report, said the major reason for this situation from an economic development point of view was a set of Israeli restrictions such as permit systems for Palestinians to work in Israel.

UNCTAD Deputy Secretary General Isabelle Durant described the economic situation in Gaza as "absolutely unsustainable."

All Israel’s fault – of course

The UN claims "The major reason for this dark situation from the economic development point of view is a group or a set of Israeli restrictions that have been there, it is relaxed a bit from time to time, but again, it is the norm. These measures include: permit system for Palestinian to work in Israel, you have roadblocks in the West Bank, you have earth mounds, trenches, checkpoints, gates and separation barriers," Elkhafif noted.

NOT of importance was WHY you have roadblocks in the West Bank, you have earth mounds, trenches, checkpoints, gates and separation barriers.

Also not explained was why, with all the foreign aid – particularly from the EU and Muslim-dominated countries – that “Palestine” has failed to develop any businesses, any industry. Israel and private Israelis have offered high tech training to PA residents. Rather than accept, the PA prefers to teach hatred of Israel and Israelis from kindergarten to university.

SodaStream – now owned by PepsiCo – when it was located near the PA territory employed both Israelis and “Palestinians” and paid equally. Friends of the PA, in the guise of Boycott, Divest, and Sanction (BDS) pressured SodaStream to get out of the area (beyond the 1967 cease fire line – there is no peace with “Palestine”) which put several hundred “Palestinians” out of work. SodaStream moved south and still employs Jews and Arabs, just not “Palestinian” Arabs.

Israel DOES allow many foreign workers into the country. These men and women come from countries that are not sworn to “drive the Jews into the sea” as are the Muslims of the PA and Gaza.

Gaza is a special issue.

When Israel pulled out in August 2005 – more than 13 years ago – the Jews left a thriving agriculture and horticulture industries. Within days after the PA (then in charge of Gaza) took over, the industries were destroyed; hothouses were dismantled for scrap. European flower and produce markets that could have provided good incomes for Gaza residents were lost for lack of product.

And the UN blames Israel for record unemployment in the PA and Hamas’ Gaza !

Hundreds of PA residents enter Israel on a daily basis to earn higher-than-in-the-PA wages. The UN would have Israel allow even more potential terrorists into the country.

The question the UNCTAD should be asking is: What did the PA leaders do with all the foreign money received over the years?

Had the PA (and Hamas) leadership spent the money to benefit the people under its control, there WOULD be less unemployment, certainly less than the 27.4% reported by the UN agency for Palestine.

It might have been appropriate, albeit not convenient, if the “coordinator” of the report had not been a Muslim with an anti-Israel bias. That would have been out-of-character for the UN.

If the PA and Hamas’ leadership would turn their efforts to peaceful coexistence with Israel, after a short “trust development” period, PA and Hamas residents might be allowed to work in Israel – while Israelis could enter the PA and Hamas areas to train Arabs to perform jobs needed in their areas and perhaps to export surpluses to Israel. (When Hamas is not attacking Israeli civilians, its produce is sold in Israeli markets.)

As long as the UN and foreign funds sustain the PA and Hamas, unemployment will remain high, peace with Israel will be a distant hope, and Israel will continue to be the UN’s whipping boy.



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