Sunday, December 10, 2017


Hanukkah quiz

THE HANUKIOT ARE DUSTED, the potatoes are piled up ready to shred, the dough is in the ‘fridge, and the oils are at hand.

I am not a rabbi nor do I play one on tv. I cite my sources but you are encouraged to check with your rabbi.

Q1. How many oils are needed for the holiday?

    A1. Two. Olive oil for the hanukia and another for the skillet (a/k/a frying pan or מחבת).

Q2. Are latkes a strictly Ashkenazi invention?

    A2. No; Actually latkes are Sefardi with the first ones made in Italy. 1

Q3. Were potatoes always the base ingredient for latkes?

    A3. No, The original latkes were made of cheese. Potato latkes were unknown until spuds were “discovered” in Europe.2

Q4. How many hanukias are lit in the home?

    A4. It depends. Ashkenazim generally have one hanukia for each member of the family. Sefardim generally have one hanukia for the household; the father normally lights the wicks.4

Q5. Candles or oil or a few wicks of both?

    A5. EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil) is the preferred fuel for the hanukIa wicks sticking through a round float of cork (פתילות עם פקק צף). Wax candles are an acceptable option as many hanukiot have only candle holders. It is NOT permitted to mix oil and candles – either one at a time, but not both.5

Q6. Are all hanukiot “kosher?”

    A6. Sadly, no. A “kosher” hanukiah has all the wickss except the shamash on the same level. While some hanukiot are designer specials, if the candles are at different levels – suggesting that one day is more important than others – the hanukiah is not kosher. 6a

    A hanukiah made be big or small and made of precious metal or simple tin. The only criteria is that it supports none (9) wicks – 8 for the 8 days and one for the shamash.6b

Round hanukiot are considered not suitable.6c

Q7. Why is the full Hallel said on each of the 8 days when half Hallel is said on the intermediate days of Pesach and Sukot?

    A7. Each of the 8 days is considered its own holiday; there are no “intermediate days” for the holiday.7

Q8. What were Shamai’s and Hillel’s opinions on the order of lighting the wicks?

    A8. Shamai said to light ALL the wicks on the first night to emphasize the miracle, with one wick less each following night. Hillel, whose decision currently is followed, preferred to ADD one wick each night.8

Q9. When may the wicks be lit?

    A9. WITH THE EXCEPTION of erev Shabat, wicks are lit after dark with the blessings. On erev Shabat, the wicks are lit before the Shabat candles.9

Q10. Where are the lights to be placed?

    A10. The traditional site for the hanukia is opposite the mezuzah on the door facing a public thoroughfare, the purpose to advertise the miracle. For most people, that is either dangerous or impossible (or both). The more common location is by a window where it can be seen by passersby.10

Q11. Who lights the wicks?

    A11. Lighting these wicks is a man’s job (unlike the Shabat candles which the ladies do). HOWEVER, if a male 13 years old or older is not available, a woman lights the wicks (just as a man lights the Shabat candles in the absence of a woman). Children are not obligated to light the wicks (but they may if that is the family’s tradition.)11

Q12. What is the difference between an ISRAELI dreidel (top) and dreidels everywhere else?

    A12: Israeli dreidels have four Hebrew letters – נגהפ – representing a Great Miracle Happened Here Non-Israeli dreidels also have four Hebrew letters – נגהש – representing a Great Miracle Happened There.

Q13: How do you spell the holiday’s name?

    A13. There is only one way: חנכה. There are many variations in transliteration depending on what web site you visit.13

      1. Everything You Know About Latkes Is Wrong:

      2. Discover the History of Latkes During Hanukkah:

      3. Origin of latkes:

      4. How many hanukiot?:

      5. Menorah, Oil and Wicks:

      6a. “Kosher?” hanukiot:

      6b. Hanukiot material:

      6c. Hanukiot style:


      8. Shamai & Hillel:

      9. When to light:

      10...Where to put the hanukia:

      11. Who lights:

      12. Dreidels:

      10...Where to put the hanukia?

      11. Who lights:

      12. Dreidels:

      13. Is There a Right Way to Spell Hanukkah? Chanukah? Hannukah? (
      Yes, Virginia, Hanukkah Has a Correct Spelling (
      Sixteen ways to spell Hanukkah (

      PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

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