Monday, September 19, 2016


Haridim harass
Datee soldier
Who protects them

PROVING ONCE AGAIN that, like haridim around the world, they are willing to take while – like the “good Jews" they aren’t – denigrating and harassing those who provide for them, the “good Jews" of the Zichron Moshe neighborhood of Jerusalem prevented a Jewish soldier from praying with a minyan.

May this congregation never make another minyan.

The soldier was datee (religious), and for that reason alone, the “good Jews” of Zichron Moshe harassed him to the point he had to pack up his tallit and tefillin and leave.

According to the Israel National News in an article headlined Radicals target haredi soldier in synagogue,

The soldier, who showed up at the ‘shteiblach’ [small synagogues with multiple prayer groups around the clock] in the Zichron Moshe neighborhood in the capital, was targeted by a group of locals who shouted at him, calling him a “hardak” – a portmanteau of haredi and haydak (bacteria) – and demanding he leave the area.

After enduring the verbal abuse, the soldier gave up and left the building.

TO BE FAIR not all haridim behave as badly as the “good Jews” of Zichron Moshe*. Some learn at hesder yeshivot that combine yeshiva studies with military service.

 *   Zichron Moshe = Remember Moses (rabanu), the man who led the Israelites in the wars in the wilderness.