Wednesday, July 23, 2014


All boys at day school
Must wear tallit katan


From kindergarten on


The news from a Jewish day school delivered today states that effective with the 201-2015 school year all male students will wear a tallet katan (tzit-tzit).

All the students are Jewish, so it's not a question of forcing non-Jews to dress to a Jewish standard. The rule applies only to students.

So what bothers me?

The ignorance, or perhaps arrogance, of some Jews who feel that unless you are exactly like them, you're not Jewish or at least not Jewish "enough."

According to דברי שלום ואמת, Page 31, there are a number of reasons why a tallit katan is generally worn only by the rabbis. One reason given is because the knots on the tzit-tzit can spell out one of HaShem's names and must not be worn in an unclean place.

But if a tallit katan is worn, according to ילקות שמ''ש Page 22, the tzit-tzit are to be worn inside the clothing.

AS AN ASIDE, on the same page we read that when we recite the Shema we hold only the front two tzit-tzit; this is according to the Shulhan Aruk.

It really would be nice if, before issuing a fiat that applies to all, the Powers That Be would at least consider the traditions of all the people they are trying to shoehorn into their mold.

Maybe it's fair.

When the Germans first came to America they were not greeted according to Shammai by the resident Sefardim. Now that the Ashkenazim are in the majority they have donned blinders and are forcing their customs on Sefardim and Mizrachim.