Wednesday, March 26, 2014


US: Free Terrorists
Israel: Free Pollard

The U.S. is demanding that Israel release even more Arab murderers of Jewish civilians while at the same time denying Israel's repeated requests that it release convicted spy Jonathon Pollard.

Pollard was sentenced to life in prison, with a recommendation of no parole, for passing "secrets" to Israeli intelligence. (See The Facts of the Pollard Case.) He has been incarcerated far longer than any other spy even though others worked as enemy agents.

Israel, in undeniably suicidal moves, has released hundreds of terrorists over the years; terrorists who, in many case, have proved recidivistic; terrorists who are glorified by their masters, the "Palestinian Authority."

The U.S. would have Israel free all terrorists from its prisons so they can once again attack Israelis.

Pollard did not kill any one nor did he even indirectly cause harm to any person.

Pollard did not commit treason.

Pollard did give classified information to Israeli agents, information that the U.S. was obliged to share with Israel but failed to do so. The information did not in any way endanger the United States or its interests any place around the globe.

It is possible that Israel's politicians are only giving the "Free Pollard" movement lip service; according to The Facts of the Pollard Case (ibid.), "In 1985, his actions were discovered by the U.S. government. His instructions from Israel were to seek refuge in the Israeli embassy in Washington. When Pollard and his former wife sought refuge there, they were at first received and then summarily thrown out into the waiting arms of the FBI."

Still, the double standard - Israel must free murderers and the U.S. continues to hold a non-violent "spy" - seems beyond comprehension.

Indeed, it seems more a way to punish Israel for being a Jewish state; this is, sadly, not out of character for U.S. government agencies (staring with the state Department, for decades notoriously anti-Jewish and pro-Arab).

Enough is enough.

It's time Israel tells the U.S. that no more terrorists will be freed until Pollard is allowed to immigrate to Israel as a free man.

At the same time, Israel's powers-that-be should tell its police and military that Israel no longer can afford to try and to house terrorists in its jails and order the police and military to shoot to kill. That's a very simple measure to reduce recidivism and, in the long run, will save the "Palestinian Authority" (and its sympathizers) millions in salaries for jailed terrorists.