Thursday, January 3, 2013

Silence reigned


The United Nations estimated Wednesday that more than 60,000 people have been killed in Syria's civil war, a toll one-third higher than what anti-regime activists had counted in the 21-month-old conflict.

The head of the United Nations Human Rights office, which released the numbers, faulted the entire international community, including the U.N., for having “fiddled around the edges while Syria burns.”,0,7788105.story

I wonder when the South African-born High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay found the time from Israel-bashing to criticize the "international community."

Why should the "international community" care? This is a "civil" war. It is - mostly- internal war.

And why criticize the "international community?" Let the High Commissioner point her finger at the 22 member states of the Arab League. (See for a list of League members.)

Iran has intervened on the Islamists side while Russia remains aligned with Syria's "president," Bashar al-Assad.

Until he was re-elected, the current POTUS kept the U.S. out of the internal conflict. Now, speculation is that he will involve the U.S. - but which Moslems will he favor? His record on the "Arab Spring" is worse than bad for decision making, or in the case of Bengazi, lack of decision making. (Yes, I know Hillary Clinton must take the blame, but as Harry S (Truman) said: "The buck stops here" at the president's desk.)

It's interesting to note the absence of any comments from the High Commissioner about the ethic cleansing in Somalia, although she has spoken out against rape in India.

Meanwhile, POTUS continues to prop up anti-American Islamist regimes with our tax dollars. Better dollars than soldiers.