Friday, January 6, 2012

Two thoughts

Casey Anthony, Ron Paul

Casey Anthony

For good or bad, justice or not, Casey Anthony was found innocent of murdering her child, Caylee Marie Anthony, by a Florida jury.

From a Jewish perspective, that ends it.

Once a judge has ruled - in this case, once a judge accepts a jury's decision - the case is closed. Once a convicted person has served his or her time, that person is as before.

No matter what the media frenzy.

Casey Anthony is innocent, at least of murder.

She was guilty of a check charge and was sentenced to a year's probation. Fair enough.

Here's a woman who us hiding from the media and from people who refuse to accept the court's decision. Since she's hiding out, I would expect her income to be zero.

How can she survive?

There was a woman on tv who seems to have taken it upon herself to find a video clip Anthony made and, because the woman thinks (and I find that questionable) that Anthony might have wanted to sell the clip, she posted the clip on YouTube so everyone could watch it gratis.

First, this seems an invasion of Anthony's privacy.

Second, the poster may have hacked into whatever server Anthony used to share her clip with whomever and for whatever reason.

Third, if Anthony DID intend to share her thoughts for recompense, the woman deprived Anthony of earned income - in other words, the poster committed theft.

Bottom line: Casey Anthony was found innocent. The world should leave her alone; get off her case.

Ron Paul

Despite allegations that Ron Paul is an anti-Semite, racist, anti-Israel, and pro-neonazi (listen to anti-Semitic-remarks-and-links-to-NEO-NAZIS) that will have me voting for almost anyone else, Paul does promote some things with which I agree.

I agree with Paul that we should keep our troops within our borders. I still believe in the Monroe Doctrine.

I agree we should, while not being isolationists, think "America First."

Let us realize we cannot buy "friends" and replace a good portion of foreign aid with domestic aid. While not being a fan of JFK, his Peace Corps is one of the country's best foreign aid programs - it helps people help themselves and generally allows local folks to drive the programs; not the U.S. and not local potentates. The domestic VISTA program, another JFK innovation, also is a keeper and should be expended.

I am in favor sending in the troops to end genocide.

I am in favor of sending in the troops for humanitarian missions.

I am in favor of a robust, albeit not bloated, military budget; we must be able to defend ourselves and, when necessary, carry the battle to the enemy. (And, if we must "carry the battle to the enemy," fight to win using all means available and without concern for "collateral damage.")

There are ways that American can "show the flag" around the world. We need to combine Teddy Roosevelt's Big Stick Great White Fleet with "Made in America" humanitarian aid - which means Americans will be in place to prevent high jackers from stealing Americans' largesse and relabeling or reselling it for their own gain (as happened with CARE supplies in Africa).

Paul has some good ideas; unfortunately, Paul the person is - in my opinion - not worthy of the nation's highest office or, for that matter, any national office.