Friday, August 26, 2011

Escorting guests

  Description: The Misva of Escorting Guests From

The Gemara in Masechet Sota (46) comments, “Anyone who escorts his fellow four cubits – he does not suffer harm.” This passage establishes the Misva of escorting guests from one’s home after their leave. The Sages teach that if a host walks with his guest even just four Amot (6-8 feet) outside the door of his home, it grants the guest protection along his journey.

A number of Halachic scholars raise the question of why this Halacha does not appear anywhere in the Shulhan Aruch. Some explain that this Halacha applied only in ancient times, when road travel did not entail as much danger as it does nowadays, and thus escorting guests four Amot could protect them. In our times, however, escorting guests cannot guarantee protection. The En Yaakob, however, disputes this position.

In any event, although the Halacha of escorting guests does not appear in the Shulhan Aruch, it is mentioned by the Rambam (Rabbi Moshe Maimonides, Spain-Egypt, 1135-1204), in Hilchot Abel (chapter 14). He writes (listen to audio recording for precise citation) that there is a Misvat Aseh (affirmative command) to escort one’s guests, which falls under the general category of Gemilut Hasadim (performing acts of kindness). Although this specific obligation was ordained by Hazal, the Rambam adds, it is also included in the Biblical command of “Ve’ahabta Le’re’acha Kamocha” (“Love your fellow as yourself”), which requires treating others in the manner in which one would want them to treat him. The Rambam emphasizes the great reward for escorting guests, and notes that this practice was instituted by Abraham Abinu, who would invite guests, feed them, and then escort them. The value of hosting guests, the Rambam writes, exceeds that of greeting the divine presence, and escorting guests is even greater than hosting them. The Rambam concludes his discussion by citing Hazal’s remark that one who hosts guests but does not escort them is considered as though he kills them – because he denies them the protection that they need as they travel to their destination.

The Kaf Ha’haim (Rav Yosef Haim of Baghdad, 1833-1909), in Siman 110, writes that the word “Levaya” (“escorting”) may be read as an acronym representing the words “Le’hayim U’le’shalom Yelech Ha’ore’ah” – “The guest shall go for life and peace” – indicating the protective powers of escorting. Furthermore, when the word is read backwards, its letters spell the phrase “Ha’melave Yelech Ve’yashob Le’shalom” – “The escort shall go and return in peace” – indicating that the merit of this Misva protects the host, as well. And the Abkat Rochel noted that the letters of the world “Levaya” also represent the phrase “Ve’lo Yiten Ha’mash’hit Labo” – “He will not allow the destroying angel to come” – further emphasizing the ability of escorting to protect the guest from harm.

The Kaf Ha’haim adds that after the host escorts the guest, the guest should not tell the host to go back home. He should rather allow the host to return when he chooses to.

A story is told of the Gaon of Vilna (1720-1797) that demonstrates the importance of escorting guests. There was a man who lived at that time and was renowned for his generous hospitality. He welcomed many guests and treated them with royalty. One day, a fire broke out in his home and burned the entire house. The people approached the Vilna Gaon and asked how it was possible that a home that welcomed so many guests with such generosity could burn down.

The Gaon answered by citing the verse in the Book of Bereshit (21:33) that relates that Abraham Abinu planted an “Eshel.” Rashi explains that this refers to Abraham’s hospitality, as the word “Eshel” represents the words “Achila” (“eating”), “Shetiya” (“drinking”) and “Levaya” (“escorting”). The Gaon noted that if a person welcomes guests but does not escort them, fulfilling only “Achila” and “Shetiya,” then instead of “Eshel,” he has only “Esh” – “fire,” Heaven forbid.

Indeed, great Torah Sages have always gone to great lengths to escort their guests outside their homes. Hacham Ben Sion Abba Shaul (Israel, 1923-1998), even when he was old and frail, would ensure to put on his slippers to escort guests outside his apartment, to the elevator or to the stairs. Many Sadikim would escort their guests outside their home and wait until the guests were out of view. Technically speaking, however, one must escort guests only four Amot out of his home. And the merit of this great Misva will guarantee protection to both his guests and himself.

Summary: It is a Misva to escort one’s guests four Amot (6-8 feet) outside his home, and this serves as a source of protection and blessing for oneself and for his guests.

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