Monday, June 6, 2011

I have to wonder


The incumbent at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue encourages Libyan and Yemeni leaders to step down; their countries are in turmoil. Tribes are revolting, encouraged, one suspects, by radical Islamists. (A few decades ago it would have been "encouraged by the Communist red menace.") I wonder what Our Fearless Leader would say if Americans were storming the White House. Would HE offer to resign?

Would he pack his bags and look for someone - Hamas, maybe - to take him in?

Or would he, as Muammar Muhammad al-Gaddafi, Bashar al-Assad, and Ali Abdullah Saleh call out the troops to shoot down the protestors?

Would the troops do it?

We went through something similar back in 1861 and again in Philadelphia's 1910 Motormen's' strike. And in my lifetime, there is Kent State and the integrationists.

But times have changed, and after My Lai the Army "got a conscience."

Perhaps America's fighting men and women would be reluctant to follow the Commander-in-Chief's orders to protect his posterior.

What if, say France or a Saudi price or the wise men at 760 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017, told the incumbent to flee the country - they would welcome him and his family within their borders.

Would the president follow his advice to other megalomaniacs and vacate?

I really doubt it.

Power is compelling; once you have it, you don't want to let go.

His advice to al-Gaddafi, al-Assad, Saleh, et al is "do as I say, not as I do."

Seems to me even - even - Sarah Palin had more international experience when running with John McCain than the incumbent has now as evidenced by his continuing diplomatic gaffes; at least Sarah could see the former Soviet Union from an Alaskan island.

By the way, does anyone find it amusing that Our Fearless Leader fails to ask Iran's Supreme Leader, North Korea's Kim Jong-il, or China's General Secretary Hu Jintao - all accused of human rights abuses and strangling democracy-as-we-know-it - to resign?