Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Ripley's moment


It's a shame, but the President of the United States (POTUS) has given us yet another "Believe it or not" minute.

First it was a birth certificate that suddenly, after two years, turned up.

Now Bin Laden's demise - POTUS claims to have evidence, but he won't share it with outsiders who might be able to validate it..

Mr. Obama must be the least trusted president since William Jefferson "I didn't Have Sex with that Woman" Clinton.

We all know how Hollywood can manufacture fantasies..

We also know how the denizens of the Federal government can manufacture things it wants us to believe.

If I worked for a press agency, I think I'd have someone poke around Hawaii birth records - public information and all - to see what births were recorded immediately before and after the one submitted by POTUS. Are the certificate numbers sequential? Who signed Obama's certificate and is that person still around?

By the way, was there a seal on the paper he showed the world. I couldn't tell looking at a small photograph on tv.

Even if there WAS a seal, it would take some very sophisticated equipment to try to confirm - or disprove - the authenticity of the offered proof of birth document.

Why he got tired of stonewalling America after two years is beyond my ken, but feeds my suspicions that what we see is not the real thing.

Iif a birth certificate can be faked, certainly photographs can be faked.

The residents of Gaza, with a little help from gullible or anti-Israeli French "journalists", proved that photos often are not what they seem.

Faking a death is easy.

Apparently the Internet has been flooded with phony photos of a dead Bin Laden. Why, because POTUS deemed pictures supposedly taken - by whom, when? - not suitable for the American public, a public much of which glories in blood-and-guts video games and delights in horror stories on both the big and little screens.

Could the photographs out of Auschwitz be worse, yet we see them.

Ditto the massacres in Africa.

Likewise the victims of peaceful Islam's attacks on Israeli civilians. Those photos we can see, but not one of a man with a disfigured face?

POTUS tells us he has "DNA evidence" matching Bin Laden's late sister's DNA to the terrorist.

I will tell you the moon is made of cheese and, given a chance, sell you beach wear for the Bering Straight in January.

The bottom line is POTUS is asking us to believe it - there's no "or not" option.

I find it hard to believe anything that comes from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

It's never been known as a monument to honesty, even in the best of days. Perhaps the last honest president this country had - perhaps the only honest president this country has had, was Harry S Truman.

When it comes to birth certificates and dead terrorists, my level of confidence in POTUS is, on a scale of 1 to 10, a solid minus 10.

For me, it's believe it - not. There has been too much "smoke and mirrors" in this administration.